PHED New Water Connection - FAQ
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PHED New Water Connection FAQ

PHED New Water Connection FAQ

How to get New Water Connection?

You can Apply Through Online via following the Steps mentioned below Before that please keep ir ready for the any one of the following documents in digital Format, so need to be attach in the Online APplication:

Whom to apply?

You can Apply Through Online via following the Steps mentioned below Before that please keep ir ready for the any one of the following documents in digital Format, so need to be attach in the Online APplication:

Where to Pay the New Water Connection Payment?

Payment should be made at the Canara Bank, METROWATER Extn. Counter situated in the Ground Floor of Head Office only. After remitting the amount, the applicant should submit the application with the paid challan at the Registration Counter, Head Office and obtain acknowledgement immediately. It is your right to get acknowledgement.

When will the sanction order to be issued?

Sanction Order will be issued within 7 days from the date of registration of application.

When will the water connection to be given my premises?

Sanction Order will be issued within 7 days from the date of registration of application. Connection will be given within 30 days from the date of registration.

How Sanction orders are intimated?

Online Applicant can login using your credentials and check your application Status. By the concerned your section Juinior Engineer (JE).

How to track my New Online water connection Application?

Online Applicant can login using your credentials and check your application Status. By the concerned your section Juinior Engineer (JE).

What is Metering?

Fixing of water meter to the pipeline of the premises to ascertain the quantum of water supplied so as to calculate the charges is metering.

What to do in case of repairs to meters/defective meters?

Apply to the concerned Junior Engineer in writing informing about the repair of the meter together with challan for payment towards meter testing charges as prescribed in the Regulation according to the size of meter.

If the meter is found defective, on the orders of the Junior Engineer the new meter will be fixed by Depot Engineer on purchase and supply by the consumer. Meter is the property of the consumer.

How does the PHE Department aeesess with dues if your meter is faulty?

The demand will be raised based on your mtere using is negative or low running below the category then department will charge th e average consumption of previous three months whichever is higher.

How to change the Classification of your connection?

Apply to Executive Engineer in your division of the respective Area in writing for change of category.