
Sanitation Campaign

Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) renamed as NIRMAL BHARAT ABHIYAN(NBA) and Again renamed as SWACHH BHARAT MISSION (SBM) (GRAMIN) :

Individual health and hygiene is largely depend on adequate availability of drinking water and proper sanitation. There is, therefore, a direct relationship between water, sanitation and health. Consumption of unsafe drinking water, improper disposal of human excreta, improper environmental sanitation and lack of personal and food hygiene have been major causes of many diseases in developing country. Therefore, sanitation is one of the basic determinants of quality of life and human development index, the proper sanitary practices prevents contamination of water and soil and thereby prevents diseases. The concept of sanitation was therefore expanded to include personal hygiene, home sanitation, safe water, garbage disposal, excreta disposal and waste water disposal. This is also to provide separate urinals/ toilets for boys and girls in all the schools/ anganwadis in rural schools.

Goal : To achieve "Swachh Bhrat" by 2019

Main objectives of Total Sanitation Campaign are:

To make improvement in the quality of life in rural areas.

To accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas.

To motivate Community and Village Councils promoting sustainable sanitation facilities through awareness campaign and health education.

To promote hygiene, education and sanitary habits among students as well as rural people.

Encourage cost effective and appropriate technological for ecologically safe and sustainable sanitation.

Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas to achieve the vision of Swachh Bharat by 2nd October, 2019

Total Sanitation Campaign Components/ NBA/SBM :

1.Start up Activities:

The start up activities includes conducting of preliminary survey to assess the status of sanitation and hygiene practices, people’s attitude and demand for improved sanitation.

2 .IEC Activities:

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) are important components of the Total Sanitation Campaign. These intend to demand for sanitary facilities in rural areas for households, schools and community sanitary complexes. As per SBM new rate the provision is up to 8% of total Project Cost ( 3% at Central level & 5% at State level)

3. Construction of Individual Household Latrines:

The main objects of Total Sanitation Campaign is the total household sanitary latrine with super structure, the individual household latrine is constructed for BPL, APL and community sanitary complex for rural areas.As per latest revision of rate (since launching of SBM) Total amount per unit is Rs. 12000.00 with sharing pattern of Rs. 10800 : 1200 : 0 among GOI, State & Beneficiay.

4. Community Sanitary Complex :

Construction of Community Sanitary Complexes on demand basis as sharing patter of 60:30:10 with the total provision of Rs. 2.00 lakh per Unit.

5 Aministration :

The new provision as per SBM is up to 2% of total Project Cost with sharing pattern of 75 : 25 between GOI & GOM.

6. Solid & Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) :

The new sharing pattern as per SBM is 75 : 25 between GOI & GOM with the provision remining the same as per previous rates per household.

Revolving fund : As per SBM up to 5% of Project cost (Rs. 50 lakh per District) with sharing pattern of 80 :20.

Report on Total Sanitation Campaign/NBA/SBM (12th Jan. 2015)











Community Sanitary Complex



School Toilets



Anganwadi Toilets



Solid and Liquid Waste