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} .header-section.dark-dropdowns.style2 ul li.mega-menu > ul > li ul li a:hover { color: @colorPrimary; } .btn-top-1 { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section.dark-dropdowns.style1 ul li:hover > a, .header-section.dark-dropdowns.style1 ul li.active > a { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section.dark-dropdowns.style1 ul li.mega-menu > ul > li ul li a:hover { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section.dark-dropdowns.style1 ul li:hover > a, .header-section.dark-dropdowns.style1 ul li.active > a { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section.act-style-1 ul li.active > a { background-color: @colorPrimary !important; } .header-section.style3 #menu ul li.mega-menu li ul li:hover a, .header-section.style3 #menu ul li.mega-menu li ul li.active a { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section.style3 #menu ul li.mega-menu li ul li:hover a, .header-section.style3 #menu ul li.mega-menu li ul li.active a { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section.style3 #menu ul li ul li:hover > a, .header-section.style3 #menu ul li ul li.active > a { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section.style3 #menu ul li ul li:hover a span.sub-arrow, header-section.style3 #menu ul li ul li.active a span.sub-arrow { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section.style5.dark #menu ul li ul li:hover > a, .header-section.style5.dark #menu ul li ul li.active > a { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section ul li.cart-parent .cart-box span { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section ul li.cart-parent .cart-box span { color: @colorPrimary; } .header-section ul li.cart-parent .cart-box .btn.btn-primary { background: @colorPrimary none repeat scroll 0 0 !important; } // =========== corporate ==================== #items .item:hover a { color: @colorPrimary; } .text-primary { color: @colorPrimary !important; } a.animated-button.thar-green { border: 2px solid @colorPrimary; background: @colorPrimary; } .text-secondary { color: @colorSecondary !important; } .section-secondary { background-color: @colorSecondary; } .section-primary { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .but-stbutton-2 { background: @colorSecondary; 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border: 1px solid @colorPrimary; } .feature-box-22 .linebtn.one:hover, .feature-box-22 .box:hover .linebtn.one, .feature-box-22 .box.active .linebtn.one{ border-color: @colorPrimary; background-color:@colorPrimary; } .parallax-overlay.secondary { background-color: @colorSecondary; } .feature-box-21-wrap::before, .feature-box-21-wrap::after { background: @colorPrimary; } .loader-item.style2 > div { background-color: @colorSecondary; } .loader-item.style3 > div { background-color: @colorSecondary; } .loader-item.style4 > div { background-color: @colorSecondary; } .loader-item.style5 > div { background-color: @colorSecondary; } .error-search-box .input_submit { background-color: @colorPrimary; border: 1px solid @colorPrimary; } .smart-forms .btn-primary { background-color: @colorPrimary; } ul.sitemap li a { color: @colorPrimary; } // =========== portfolio ==================== .cbp-l-filters-button .cbp-filter-counter::after { border-top: 4px solid @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-button .cbp-filter-counter { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-caption-buttonLeft, .cbp-l-caption-buttonRight { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-alignRight .cbp-filter-item.cbp-filter-item-active { background-color: @colorPrimary; border-color: @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-alignRight .cbp-filter-counter::after { border-top: 4px solid @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-alignRight .cbp-filter-counter { background: @colorPrimary none repeat scroll 0 0; } // Border roundness .btn when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; }